Sunday, March 25

Bunga Kertas Business Center by Setiatiwi, the New commercial area in Bukit Sentosa Update 20190407

Construction on this place is going on schedule, I think the project can be ready by year end. The design of the area looks ok with the corner shops having a chequered facade extending out of the 2nd floor roof.

Here's what I like about this development :
  • The side stairs is also felt wider than other shops around the area though I didn't really went and verify the length. 
  • The chequered facade wall at the corner shops makes the place stands out among all the older shops around the area.
  • The space between the 2 rows of shops was also quite wide, potential to be dual frontage shop.
  • There seems to be plenty of space surrounding the shops.
Here's what I didn't really like about this development : 
  • The five footway was a little too narrow, even for the corner units.

20181021 -  There’s some visible progress on the construction around Bunga Kertas Business Centre shops.

Workers planting trees along the road, widening of the road for better traffic flow.

Seems only thing pending now is the actual tar roads and then keys can be handed over to the owners.

20181103 - Project should be able to be handover in early November 2018. 
The tar roads has been paved, some units already got the water meter, final item is the electrical db box.

20181103 - Wrote an email to developer and they say still pending TNB and Syabas and can handover keys already. My estimate date for key opening of this area should be April.

20190407 - After a very long wait, TNB , electric meter has been installed. Now only pending Syabas (water) meter to be installed and the place can open for business. I saw a traditional chinese medicine shop putting up banner already so far. 

20190514 - And so water meter is finally here at Bunga Kertas Business Center.